Congratulations RRS Class of 2020

I hope to use what I've learned as an RRS minor to advocate for the needs of the people of color in urban planning.
— Ciana Olivia Adams

Earning my degree in RRS, LTNS and minoring in Education, I took forward to serving the youth in my community.
During my time at SFSU, I was able to gain the Ethnic Studies experience I had not had in my previous education. With my degree, I'm going into the educational field where I can teach the youth the histories that are rarely represented in textbooks.
— Diana Argueta

With my degree in RRS, I will use it to bring awareness of oppression we face in communities of color and the resistance we all fight for in our daily lives.
I would like to keep learning and educate others on similar struggles we face in our education system, healthcare, and socioeconomic status. I would like to break the cycle of how social factors do not define or stereotype who we are.
— Lesly Cecilia Argueta

With my degree in RRS, I hope to work with youth who have been affected by the juvenile justice system by providing them with the guidance and resources they need in order to be successful.
— Jenny Barroso

I plan to utilize my RRS Minor through educating and reminding others that we have been resisting and fighting since the beginning of time.
I plan to work in social services and continually educate myself on Race and Resistance Studies.
— Kathleen Mae Alvarez Buban

The department of RRS has prepared me to make a difference in my community.
RRS has given me the tools to be a critical thinker when it comes to fighting daily inequalities, I'm so thankful to be working with a grassroots organization as a recent graduate. Thank you to all the professors who have helped me grow into the person I am today.
— Isabella Canal

I plan to be part of dismantling and abolishing the school to prison pipeline in hopes to implement critical thinking and history of ethnic identities in public school curriculums.
— Megan Carbajal

I will use my minor in RRS as a framework for my work in decolonizing outdoor education.
I will work as a bridge for BIPOC, immigrants, LGBTQIA communities to secure access to green spaces. I plan in using the knowledge my professors left me with to create multicultural and relevant curriculum to teach youth in the outdoors.
— Adriana Castillo

Growing up in a conservative town, I grew up with racism, sexism, and homoantagonism around every corner. It took years for me to be proud of being a queer Chicana woman.
Learning about the ways to decolonize my life took work, and RRS gave me the tools to know that I'll never stop fighting for a just world. Thank you to everyone! Mom, Dad and Nico, esto es para ti.
— Alena Catherine Chavez

I hope to use my degree to give back to communities of color, by continuing to fight against the social inequalities we face in this country. Now, more than ever, is the time to rid our society of racial and ethnic discrimination.
— Melissa Cruz

Con diligencia, integridad, y mucho amor planeo usar mi conocimiento para asistir en la transformación de mi comunidad de Woodland.
— Jacqueline Galicia

RRS introduced me to an intersectional academia that allows students to define and nature of their education.
We must continue to reflect history through all lens of cultures and minds. I hope to create a space that allows youth to think, create and deconstruct the -isms in our communities.
— Andrea Jacqueline Gil

My return to academia, after having dropped out, was a long-awaited fruition.
Feeling perpetually alienated from perceiving myself as a knower, in the house of knowledge, I was unaware of the power paradigms imbedded in the university experience. Echoing Ms. Angelou, now that I know better, I do better. I am deeply grateful for the existence of the College of Ethnic Studies, and, most importantly, the RRS teaching faculty, for cultivating in its students the profound practice of belonging. I plan to keep pushing.
— Diego Cihuacoatl Gomez

I plan to earn my teaching credential for music at SF State next and become an elementary school music teacher. I then plan to pursue graduate studies and researching ethnomusicology.
— Randella Jones

RRS has instilled in me to be resistant in the wake of complacency.
To be fearless when I say 'Abolish ICE' or 'Defund the Police,' because I know my education has given me the resources and tools to know what this means and how to give back to my community.
— Alexandra Lalama

With a minor in Race and Resistance Studies, I hope to use this to elevate students in under resourced communities. My goal is to specifically help students of color achieve a higher education!
— Genesis Jasmin Morales

I learned so much about my people, all people, and myself within after graduating.
— Ashura Mujawashema

I plan on using my knowledge and skills that I've learned in this RRS department by writing stories, whether it be in print, audio, or visual journalism, around race in America.
I have my degree in Journalism, and I would really like to apply what I've learned about lost histories in ethnic groups to my career. I would love to talk to communities of color and give them a voice and have them feel heard by society.
— Karishma Kaushik Patadia

I plan to use my RRS minor to continue to inspire me to do organizing work.
I hope this minor will help me stay vigilant and critical of the systems we are fighting against, my conditions and the conditions of the people around me. Being in RRS has allowed me to participate in student organizing and connecting me to local grassroots orgs that work directly in the communities in SF and the Bay Area. I have been able to connect and build community with so many amazing individuals, and I hope to continue genuinely building with my community in the future. Thanks for your work everyone!
— Rachel Perry

I want to create a space to organize with Black/Indigenous and POC youth in my community, to inspire and support them in obtaining local change.
Using my field of studies as a foundation to teach on past Liberation movements, so we can learn from and build upon further in our communities.
— Ada Reyes

With my degree, I plan on serving a community much like my own.
I want to help first generation families find a voice in order to reach their highest potential because THEY MAKE AMERICA GREAT! Gracias ma y pa, lo hicimos! QUE VIVA MI RAZA!
— Maria Nathali Ildefonso Salas

I plan to use my major in RRS in my social work practice.
Upon graduation, I plan to work for a nonprofit organization that is committed to advancing the rights of marginalized communities. My long-term goal is to utilize my degree and experiences to enact macro-level change in the Philippines in the future.
— Thea Jewel Terrado Soriano

I plan to use my Bachelor's in RRS to support the advancement, success, and legacy of Black and Brown people.
It is my goal to continue to learn how I can best serve my community so that I can be apart of the movement to create resources for our empowerment. In doing this I know my ancestors will guide me along the way and for that I am grateful.
— Selena Teferi

A queer, non-binary, Lao/Korean who found a lot of hope and empowerment through the RRS minor track.
I saw resilience and hope, and I encourage many others to take the opportunity for the major! I appreciated the like-minded resilient, QTPOC folks the classes brought together. May we continue to create community and remember how close we are and our strength as a community. For collective liberation. We are never alone.
— Sone Yun
Other Graduates Not Pictured
- Renz Andales
- Soha Ashraf
- Carmen Lima Ayala
- Janus Baetiong
- Isela Carreras
- Johanna Castaneda
- Vikas Chonkria
- Pamela Estrada Christian
- Fernando Espinoza
- Sammy Garcia
- Rizza Gordon Ward
- Jenna Harris
- Chelsea Herrera
- Nathan Hinsley
- Leah Jarrard
- Antonia Johnson
- Clay Keniston-Finger
- Sam Lund
- Leelamini Massaquoi
- Angelica Mendez
- Alejandra Mendez-Ruiz
- Sam Moore
- Genesis Morales
- Dina Muqhar
- Maricela Nunez
- Emely Nunez
- Alondra Ochoa
- Alexandria Reber
- Jules Retzlaff
- Amy Rivera
- Alondra Robles-Romero
- Azucena Salas-Esparza
- Jocelyn Salaverria
- Marina Salazar
- Rosalea Salmeron
- Alexis Shelton
- Luke Sullivan
- Jomal Terrado
- Chloe Vannasdall