Jaimy Mann
I am a Ph.D. candidate (ABD status) with specialization in Childhood Studies, Children's and Young Adult Literature and Culture. My dissertation is titled: "The Transnational Transracial Politics of Cute and Kawaii." Recently, I curated an exhibition at the Chicago Intuit Museum titled "Henry Darger's Orphans and the Construction of Race," which runs until January 2018, exhibition catalogue forthcoming. This semester I received two SFSU awards: the AIM Affordable Instructional Materials award, which I am using to make all of my Race, Gender, and Science Fiction required materials freely accessible to students, and the GWAR (Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement) Mentorship Program Fellowship.
Courses Taught:
ETHS 300 GWAR, RRS 280 (Race, Gender, and Science Fiction)
ETHS/RRS 110 (Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience)