RRS Department Graduation!

Monday, May 23, 2022
Event Time 04:00 p.m. - 07:00 p.m. PT
Location Jack Adams Hall, SFSU
Contact Email


GRADUATION IS HERE and we want to celebrate and acknowledge all your successes.




We are holding an RRS department in-person graduation ceremony for scholars who graduated in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. We are hoping you and your family can join us.  

Event Information:


Monday, May 23rd, 2021

Jack Adams Hall

1600 Holloway Avenue

4-7pm (in-person)

Light meal will be served.


All students must register for the ceremony by filling out and returning the information before May 6thby clicking on this link.


RRS Grad Questions:

  1. What do I wear?

Graduates can wear their Cap and Gowns or Cultural traditional clothing.

  1. How many tickets do I get?  

Each Graduate will be given up to 5 tickets for family and friends, depending on the number of graduates attending. 

  1. What is the covid protocol?

Masking and social distancing is required. For more information: Document with information

  1. How Do I RSVP?

Click here: https://forms.gle/QaXp5uoFpVAgJ3ch7



If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to: (415) 338-1052 OR gautam@sfsu.edu



Thank you and hope to see you soon,

Rama Ali Kased

on behalf of the RRS graduation committee


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